The Research of Management about The Private Old-Age Care Institutions During The Socialization of Aging Service


随着我国老龄化社会进程的加快,老年人的养老问题越来越受到全社会关注。在社会福利社会化的大环境下,我国的老年服务体系己逐步形成以居家养老为基础,社区养老为依托,机构养老为补充的协调运作的养老服务体系。 多种养老服务模式并存且处于补充力量的机构养老,经过多年来的实践摸索,取得了长足发展,为满足老年人日益多样化的养老需求做出了积极贡献。研究此背景下厦门市民办养老机构的发展现状,分析解决存在的问题,提高市场竞争力和经营效益,更加有针对性地满足老年人日益丰富的养老服务需求,都有很强的现实意义。 本文从介绍分析我国老年人口和养老服务现状,及世界其它国家和地区养老机构模式入手,围绕目前厦门市民办养老机构...The speed of society aging is accelerated in China. The whole society is paying more and more attention to provide for the aged. As the social welfare is socialized, the service system for aging in China is mainly based on family, then the community, and also the organizations. Among the multi kind of aging service the old-age care institutions is still in the stage of supplementary. The pe...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792008115099

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