The Supplying Mechanism and System Innovation of Urban Water Industry: With Some Views on the Market-oriented Reform of Xiamen Water Group


由于城市水务业具有投资需求大、回收周期长、沉淀成本大,以及规模与网络经济十分显著等技术经济特征,因此,人们一直固守着一种观念:城市水务业是市场失灵的典型领域,城市水务等产品供给应该以财政投资为主导。 伴随着世界范围内的“新公共管理”趋势,城市水务等公用事业产品必须由政府垄断供给的神话终于被打破,人们开始意识到有必要去区分公共产品的“供给”与“生产”,并在城市水务行业中引入市场机制,打破政府垄断经营,实行民营化。因此,如何从公共财政学的视角,运用相关经济理论,对城市水务产品的供给主体与机制以及供给制度创新等问题进行分析,提出一些可行的政策建议,无疑具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本文共分为六...As the urban water industry have the characters of large demand of fund, long investment cycle, high sunk cost and scale economies, people always think it is a typical field of market failure and the supply of urban water goods should be invested by government. With the development of the new public administration around the world, the public goods of urban water is no longer invested by govern...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_财政学(含税收学)学号:S20044105

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