The Analysis of the Architectural Configuration Characteristics of the Grand Courtyards in Jinzhong


晋中大院是极富特色的北方院落民居之一,是中国传统民居的重要组成部分。明清时期,腰缠万贯、发达富裕的商人们发家后荣归故里,为光宗耀祖,不惜重金,大兴土木,修建宅院。无论在建筑规模上,还是在建筑装饰上,在民居历史上都是空前的。此类型建筑规模宏大,建筑功能复杂,要容纳家族所有人员及仆人的一切日常起居活动,且组合单元均以四合院落为主,所以习惯上称为“大院民居建筑”。 本文从晋中地区的自然、人文和历史环境入手,选取乔家大院和王家大院两个具有晋中地区代表性的大院民居,并运用比较分析的研究方法,主要从大院的建筑形态的四个主要方面:选址和规划布局、空间形态、构造形态、视觉形态对其进行研究。在总结其各自的特色...The Grand Courtyards in Jinzhong are one of the most characteristic Folk Houses with courtyards in the North of China, which is the important compound of Chinese traditional Folk Houses. In the periods of Ming and Qing Dynasties, the merchants who had been wallowed in money went back to their hometowns with honors, in order to bring the honors to their ancestors, they spent large number of money t...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院建筑系_建筑设计及其理论学号:20043500

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