The Research on the Internal Auditing Status-quo in China and the Suggestion for the Improvement


在发达国家,现代企业内部审计经过半个多世纪的发展,取得很大进展。在经历了安然和世通事件后,内部审计的重要性更加突出。我国企业内部审计从发展之初即被高度重视,在政府的大力推动下,经过二十多年的发展,虽然取得较大进展,但离发达国家的水平仍有很大差距。差异原因一方面是因为内部审计在我国的发展时间短暂,另一方面则是我国企业内审发展与发达国家的动力不同,我国更多是在政府的推动下发展起来的。本文围绕我国政府推动模式的内部审计发展分析了我国企业内部审计的现状。首先对我国内审实务现状的统计数据进行分析,得出内审实务的现状特点,其中也较多体现了政府推动模式的特色。政府推动更多借助对内审的监管进行,本文接着从两个...In the developed countries, modern internal audit has been developed for half of century and have made great progress. After the events of Enron and WorldCom, it has been more obvious that the internal audit is very important. In China, modern internal audit has progressed for more than twenty years. The government has attached huge importance to the development of internal audit. There has been m...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:20031104

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