
Tactics for Developing Headquarter Economy in Huli District


世间万物,其兴也勃焉,其亡也忽焉。一个地区经济的发展进程概莫能外。湖里区自1987年建区以来,经济保持持续增长的态势。随着改革的深入和开放的扩大,湖里区发展环境在发生深刻变化,原来拥有的优势逐步丧失,外部竞争压力日益剧烈。面对新的形势,湖里区提出了发展总部经济的新战略。本文围绕湖里区如何发展总部经济这个问题,分析湖里区面临的外部环境,探究湖里区发展总部经济的优劣势,提出湖里区总部经济的发展策略。本文共分四个部分:第一章:从总部经济的概念、特征和效应等方面勾勒总部经济的轮廓,阐述一个城市发展总部经济的一般性条件,并分析了香港发展总部经济的经验,以资借鉴。第二章:从我国总部经济发展的现状及存在问题...Everything under the sun prospers and declines in fast steps. So is the economy of a region. Since its birth in 1987 Huli District has maintained a steady economic growth. However with the deepening of opening and reform it gradually conceded its competitive strength due to the mounting pressures from outside and the evolution of its own circumstances. In response to the erosion of its economic...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20011507

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