An Empirical Research on the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy under the Fructuation in RMB Exchange Rate and CPI —— Based on Mundell-Fleming Model


货币政策的有效性一直是经济学界争论的问题,货币政策是否有效及其有效性的程度,是货币当局制定货币政策的重要依据。在人民币汇率波动与国内价格波动并存的宏观经济背景及全球性金融危机下,我国政府出台的相关宏观调控政策中,频繁动用了货币政策工具,同时货币政策的作用环境也发生着巨大变化。在这样的国际国内背景下研究货币政策机制,从而为相关部门控制国内价格的过度波动,选择适当的货币政策与合理的汇率制度指出方向,具有重要的现实意义。 本文采用定性分析与实证研究相结合的方法对这一问题进行分析。首先介绍西方货币政策有效性理论及相关实证方法的演进;其次分析人民币汇率和物价波动的现状及影响;接着沿袭蒙代尔-弗莱明模型...The effectiveness of monetary policy is a contentious issue in Economic Circles, it is also very important for the monetary authorities because it can help them to formulate monetary policy. In the situation of the coexistence of the RMB exchange rate and domestic prices fluctuations, and the global financial crisis, the Chinese government introduced macro-control policies, and use of monetary pol...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562009115416

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