
On the Principle of Best Interests of Children in Divorce Cases


“儿童最大利益原则”是20世纪末以来国际公约和各国立法逐步确立的一项权利保护的重要原则。据此原则,涉及儿童的一切行为均应以儿童最大利益为首要考虑。在离婚案件中,儿童作为无过错主体无论是精神上还是物质上都受到极大地伤害,理应对其进行特殊保护。我国虽提出“儿童优先原则”作为保护儿童权益的指导原则,但在实践中所起的作用较小。本文立足于我国现实,在借鉴其他学者研究成果的基础上,主要运用比较法学方法、实证分析法学方法等对儿童最大利益原则在离婚案件中的适用进行研究,介绍国外离婚案件中儿童最大利益原则的适用,分析其子女本位的立法观念和完善的制度性设置,同时对我国离婚法律制度涉及儿童利益的相关规定进行反思,提...The principle of best interests of children has been the most important principle to protect children’s right in the international conventions and nations since the end of the 21th century. On the basis of this principle, the best interests of children must be the paramount consideration when it involves all of the children’s acts. We should carry on the special protection in divorce cases, becaus...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115025

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