
Study on Beneficiary’s Right of Personal Insurance


人身保险合同受益权是受益人所享有的受法律保护的人身保险合同上的利益。受益权不同于受益人的利益,也不同于受益的权利。在性质上,受益权是带有人身专属性的财产权,同时具有阶段性的特点,因此,对受益权性质的考查是有难度的。受益人作为受益权的主体,对他的概念加以界定,以及对投保人、被保险人指定、变更受益人的理论基础加以探讨,对于研究受益权具有重要的意义。此外,对受益权的法律规制,也是本文探讨的重点问题。全文除前言和结语外,主要内容分四章:第一章是关于受益权的概念和理论基础。受益权是受法律所保护的受益人的权利,受益人对保险合同所拥有的利益并不都成为受益权。当保险合同是为第三人利益而订立时,受益权确立的基础...Beneficiary’s right of personal insurance is beneficiary’s interest which is based on the personal insurance contract and protected by relevant laws. Beneficiary’s right is not the beneficiary’s interest, also not like the right of benefit. It is difficult to make the nature of beneficiary’s right clear, for the reason that beneficiary’s right is not only a kind of property right, but also a kind ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:20020814

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