
The Challenge of the Exception: A Study on Carl Schmitt’s Theory of State Emergency Powers


当今的世界正进入一个全球化背景下的风险社会,突发事件随时随地可能发生。在非常状态下,国家应该集中与扩张什么样的权力以既能迅速、有效地处置突发事件,又能防止或最小化权力滥用风险的同时,最大程度地确保公民权利与维护法治,这是一个挑战。不仅以提出“政治乃区分敌友”的论断而得享盛名与声名狼藉,同时也以解释魏玛宪法第48条的总统紧急权条款而广为人知和恶名昭著的20世纪德国著名的公法学家和政治思想家卡尔•施米特(CarlSchmitt,1888-1985)在魏玛德国时期就宣称,自由民主政制无能应对例外状态。 “9•11”事件引发了人们对国家紧急权问题的激烈争论。在这场争论中,卡尔...The contemporary world has stepped into a globalized risk society in which the emergent events will occur anywhere at any time. In abnormal conditions what power should a state centralize and expand to handle emergent events with the result of furthest protecting citizen’s rights and maintaining rule of law while preventing and minimizing the risk of abusing power? It is a challenge. The famous Ge...学位:法学博士院系专业:公共事务学院政治学系_政治学理论学号:1382006015300

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