
Research on Formation Mechanism and Evaluation of Government-leading Development Model in Village Heritage Sites —a case study of Kaiping watchtower and villages


近年来,随着旅游市场需求的多元化发展,传统村落凭借其独特的建筑风貌、重要的历史价值、深厚的文化积淀、特有的古韵氛围越来越受到旅游者的青睐。由于传统村落因其在历史、艺术、科学、生态、民俗等诸多方面都蕴藏着“突出的普遍的价值”而使得村落遗产地正备受瞩目与追逐,成为一种新兴的旅游类型。特别是20世纪年代90年代以来,全国掀起了一股村落旅游开发热潮,先后涌现出一大批独具魅力的村落,如西递、宏村、诸葛村、郭亮村、开平碉楼与村落等。这些拥有以村落为主体的遗产地都进行了不同程度的旅游开发,产生了良好的经济带动效应和广泛的社会效益,在全国各地的开发持续升温。然而,随着村落遗产地旅游开发进程的加快,一些不合理的...In recent years, with the development of multi-needs in tourism market, traditional village is more and more attractive to the tourists because of its buildings’ unique style and future, its important historical value, deep culture accumulates and ancient atmosphere. As there is “outstanding universal value” in the traditional villages in many aspects, such as history, art, science, ecology and cu...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:1782008015008

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