
Design and Implementation of System for Postal Third-party Prepaid Card


预付卡是指在发行机构指定范围内用于购买商品或服务的电子支付卡片,一般分为磁条卡和芯片卡。其具体表现形式包括:礼品卡、福利卡、商家会员卡、公交卡等。在零售业竞争日趋激烈的今天,为适应信息技术发展和小额支付服务市场创新的客观需要,商业预付卡市场发展迅速,在减少现钞使用、便利公众支付、刺激消费等方面发挥了积极作用。 第三方预付卡是建设于运营方的预付卡系统平台之上,通过预付卡平台系统提供发卡服务,并受理持卡人的查询、消费、预充值等业务,可实现在众多联盟商户中刷卡消费。本论文按照软件工程的流程规范对第三方预付卡系统的设计与实现进行了研究,从系统建设的背景出发,结合相关技术在软件开发中的应用,在需求分析...Prepaid card is defined as electronic payment card that could be used to purchase goods or services within the scope specified in the issuer's value , such as magnetic stripe and chip card, It includes following forms: gift cards, fulika, business card, bus card, etc.Currently, with the increasingly fierce competition in the retail industry, in order to adapt to the development of information tech...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123088

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