
Judicial and Legislative Perfection on the Principle of the Balance between Crime and Punishment


罪刑均衡原则是刑法的一项基本原则。对均衡性的追求源于人类植根于精神本能中对正义的永恒渴望,而如何规范量刑以减少量刑的失衡则是刑法领域的一个世界性难题。无论是人们的朴素观念,还是学者们的理论探求,直至立法和司法实践,可以说,在罪和罚的关系上,罪刑均衡始终是刑罚问题上历久弥新的话题。 作为法律的保障法,刑法确立的罪刑均衡原则是实现这一目标的重要途径。但在司法实践中,经常出现同罪异罚的现象,导致了社会公众对判决的困惑。当前,我国司法实践中存在着量刑趋重与量刑偏差较大等问题,制约着罪刑均衡原则的充分实现。笔者结合我国的实际情况,运用法理学和刑法学的相关理论,对量刑均衡的概念重新进行了厘定,指出了其内...The principle of suiting crime to responsibility is a basic one. Research on it is helpful to not only improvement of legislation but also improvement of justice. The pursuit of balance is rooted in people’s perpetual longing for justice. No matter what the people’s simple notion or the scholars’ research, even the legislation and judicial practice, the balance between crime and punishment is a fo...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200512008

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