
A Study on Strengthening the Judge’s Intervention Based on Professional Power in Divorce Proceedings——Focusing on Child-rearing Issues Settlement


目前,我国地方法院在司法实践中普遍将子女抚养问题作为离婚的法律后果之一进行处理,使得个案的审理结果有所缺陷。本文试图从对一定数量的涉童离婚案件进行量化分析入手,总结存在的问题,分析其背后的原因,并对法官职权干预的正当性和必要性进行论证,最终提出强化法官职权干预的观点,使“儿童最大利益原则”在涉童离婚诉讼中得到更好的贯彻落实。 全文除前言和结语外,正文共分为三章。 第一章涉童离婚案件司法实践的现状探析。基于对调研案例的量化分析,认为法官在审理涉童离婚案件中对涉及子女抚养的协议内容不作实质审理、怠于调查取证、平衡各方主体利益等现象突出,严重损害了涉案儿童的利益。这些问题的产生,既有立法存在缺陷...At present, the child-rearing issues are generally considered to be a part of the legal consequences of divorce in the judicial practice. This idea leads to some defects in judicial decisions. Beginning with quantitative analysis of a certain number of divorce proceedings which minors are involved in, this thesis summarizes existing problems, then analyzes the reasons behind them, and proves the l...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200912009

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