
Study on the Imminent Infringement of Trade Secret caused by the Employee’s Competition


本文主要研究因员工竞业行为引起的商业秘密即发侵权问题:在明确了“员工竞业”及“商业秘密即发侵权”等相关概念的前提下,阐释员工竞业引起的商业秘密即发侵权的构成要件;通过对竞业禁止制度的反思,提出在员工竞业问题上引入即发侵权思想以完善对商业秘密权利的保护;在规制员工竞业方面,借鉴即发侵权的救济模式,采取了有别于竞业禁止制度的禁令救济方式。 除了引言和结束语外,本文分三章进行论述: 第一章首先对本文所述的员工竞业的概念加以认定,随后在明确了即发侵权概念的基础上,提出了员工竞业与商业秘密即发侵权两者存在因果关系,以这种关系为前提,分析了员工竞业引起的商业秘密即发侵权问题的构成要件。 第二章...This paper mainly studies on the imminent infringement of trade secret which caused by the employee’s competition. On the premise of clearing the concept of employee’s competition and imminent infringement, we may deduce the constitution elements of the imminent infringement of trade secret which caused by the employees competition. Through the reflection on the theory of non-competition, this pap...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115039

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