
A Theoretical and Practical Research on Construction of Legal System of Lablor Delegation


劳务派遣是我国劳动力市场上近些年出现的一种新现象,发展势头迅猛。但劳务派遣出现至今,理论界一直对劳务派遣是毁誉参半:一方面,它在促进就业方面显示独特魅力;另一方面,由于现行立法的缺失,劳务派遣的主体三方的法律关系混乱不清,被视为派遣员工权益受损的“罪魁祸首”。劳务派遣涉及劳动法、民法、社会保障法、保险法、就业促进法等多个学科领域,目前我国对该领域的理论研究相对薄弱,学界未进行过专门和系统的研究。因此,对劳务派遣涉及的法理问题进行研究,具有理论价值。同时,由于现行法律的缺失,劳务派遣的快速发展也产生了诸多问题和缺陷,如何构建相应法律制度在促进就业与维护派遣员工权益之间寻找均衡,也成为劳务派遣实践...Labor delegation is a new phenomenon, which emerges in our labor market in recent years. It has been developing increasingly with grand momentum. The scholars of labor law, however, haven’t agreed on whether the labor delegation is good. On one hand, it promotes employment. On the other hand, owing to lack of relevant regulations on labor delegation, the legal relation among the three parties is c...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20020812

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