burden of proof in Civil law system


本文阐述法规出发型诉讼中的证明责任问题。诉讼目的为证明责任问题的研究提供了方向,因此本文从诉讼目的论出发对证明责任加以阐述,以期获得对证明责任问题的较为科学的和深入的把握,并力图揭示证明责任问题与现代法治的关系。本文的论述建立在对大陆法系的证明责任理论的梳理和吸收之上,同时对我国的证明责任理论作出回应。 本文包括引言、正文三章和结语。 引言部分是对本文论述的出发点的说明。 第一章“基本概念”分析本文的两个核心概念。“法规出发型诉讼”是以权利保护为目的的诉讼,表现为“客观法的确认”,是对大陆法系的按三段论式逻辑方法进行的民事诉讼活动的描述。大陆法系学者认为证明责任概念包含主观证明责任和客观...In Civil law system, the concept “burden of proof” is divided into “subjective burden of proof” and “objective burden of proof” according to its substance . “Subjective burden of proof” means the burden of delivering evidences that interested parties take to avoid the adjudication against them . “Objective burden of proof” means the unfavourable adjudication in an issue some interested party burde...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:20000809

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