
A Research on the Validity of Donation Contract of Extramarital Cohabitation—— on the Donation of Common Property from one of the Spouse


婚外同居赠与纠纷与普通赠与纠纷不同,其复杂性在于它不仅牵涉到婚外同居赠与双方当事人彼此间的利益,还关系到无过错配偶的利益,因为它侵犯了一夫一妻制,可能危害到夫妻共同财产。如何在处理婚外同居赠与纠纷时实现三方利益的平衡是实务界和学界共同考虑的问题。 本文主体由四章组成,在第一章对婚外同居赠与的概念及立法司法现状进行简要分析的基础上,第二章重点分析了学术界对婚外同居赠与效力及后果的观点之争,得出我国现行婚外同居赠与的处理机制不能有效的解决这一纠纷的结论,随后通过第三章对比大陆法系和英美法系对婚外同居赠与合同的不同处理方式及其优缺点,反思我国在处理这一纠纷中遇到的问题和误区,最后第四章提出解决之道...Donation made in extramarital cohabitation is different from common donation contract for it not only consists of both parties of the contract but also the donor spouse. Common property system is the statutory matrimonial property system in China. The donation of one of the spouse means the invasion of common property. Therefore how to make a balance among the three when settle the dispute is a co...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302010115031

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