
Research on the Application of Data Mining In the National Tax Invoice Issuing


随着信息技术的不断发展,税务部门信息化建设日新月异,各种税收业务系统多年来已经积累了大量的涉税数据,如何有效地利用这些宝贵的数据,为税收工作服务,成为税务部门日益关注的重点。普通发票委托代开作为税务机关的一项基本业务,承载着服务纳税人、征收零散税收、打击假发票市场的职责。为提高纳税服务质量、做到应收尽收、打击假发票市场,加强普通发票委托代开的管理工作刻不容缓。 本文以数据挖掘技术为手段,对普通发票委托代开日常管理中一些关心的问题进行探讨和研究,并结合实际工作,进行知识发现的探索。在具体应用中,选择了回归分析、K-Means聚类分析、TwoStep自动聚类分析、Apriori算法分析及异常检测...With the continuous development of information technology, the informatization construction of the tax authorities with each passing day, all kinds of operation system over the years has accumulated a lot of tax-related data. How to effectively make use of these valuable data to work for tax services, become the focus increasingly of the tax department. The National Tax Invoice Issuing as fundamen...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123028

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