
Studies on Passionate Criminal’s Conviction and Penalty


随着社会的发展,“激情犯罪”越来越频繁地出现在现实社会生活中,并被看作是对某一犯罪行为人从宽处罚的理论依据。但是,由于我国对激情犯罪缺乏系统的理论研究和明确的法律规定,以至于社会公众对激情犯罪的理解存在模糊之处。本文借鉴国外刑法中激情犯罪的立法现状和理论研究,结合国内学者的研究成果,立足于刑法的基础理论,对激情犯罪的相关问题进行了梳理、分析,以期抛砖引玉,对我国激情犯罪理论研究的完善以及对激情犯罪的刑事立法和司法工作略尽绵薄之力。 本文除前言与结论外,分为四章: 第一章首先以激情犯罪的立法沿革为线索,介绍了激情犯罪的刑法起源以及现行的刑事立法,并对激情犯罪构成要件和性质的变迁及论争进行了分...With the development of society, the crime of passion has appeared in real life more and more frequently, and been viewed as the theoretical basis for lenient punishment of a crime. However, in our country, because of lacking systematic theoretical study and clear legal rules, there are ambiguities in the public understanding on crime of passion. So in this article, by learning from foreign legisl...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_刑法学学号:1362009115022

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