
Analysis and Design of the Software Quality Management System for Telecom Industry Based on CMMI


近年来,随着电信行业竞争的加剧,服务质量的好坏成为竞争的关键,而作为业务支撑核心的行业软件,其质量管理也得到越来越高的重视。由于电信行业软件的开发往往需要较大团队,采用多种技术,花费较长时间,且客户的需求经常变更,除了满足功能外,还对软件的稳定性、安全性、易操作性及性能等方面有着较高要求,因此对于这种软件系统的质量管理研究有着重要意义和实用性。 目前,软件开发企业普遍使用软件能力成熟度模型CMM/CMMI来建立质量管理和质量保证体系,但对于电信行业软件开发企业来说,运用CMM/CMMI需要相应的“量体裁衣”,不然只能是空有架子而难以实施,或者由于所花费的成本远远大于其本身所带来的收益而不得不...In recent years, with increased competition in telecom industry, it has become essential to provide high quality of service, which to a large extent depends on the quality of the industry-specific application software serving as the basis of the whole operation process. Given the difficulty in developing telecom industry software due to employment of various techniques, long time span, constantly ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200823003

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