
Study on the Contracts and the Default Risk of VIE Mode


2000年以来,中国的互联网产业发展迅猛,先后诞生了一大批诸如新浪、网易、搜狐等优秀的网络公司,极大的促进了我国互联网与信息产业的腾飞。究其原因,这些成就得益于这些境内企业通过协议控制在境外上市筹集到了巨额发展资金。然而,2011年初发生的马云转让支付宝全部股权,单方终止控制协议,导致支付宝境外股东(雅虎和软银)利益受损的事件将协议控制下的违约风险推向了风口浪尖;而后又发生的双威教育将协议控制下境内运营实体的资产与现金私自转移;新东方遭到美国SEC调查协议控制结构问题,导致其股价两日内应声暴跌60%等一系列事件,极大影响了境外投资者对于以协议控制模式境外上市的中国企业的信心。由此暴露出来的违约...The Chinese Internet industry has developed rapidly since 2000. Many great internet companies have sprung up during that time, such as Sina, Netease and Sohu, which promote the soaring of information industry. The reasons are that these domestic enterprises go for offshore listing through VIE mode, and then raise funds to support themselves. However, the incident that Jack Ma transferred all the e...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法律硕士教育中心_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302011115032

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