
Analysis of Fiscal Expenditure Structure Optimization to Promote the Income Equality Based on Urban-Rural Income Gap: Evidence from Dynamic Panel Data Model with GMM Estimation


改革开放以来,我国居民收入差距日益扩大。收入差距过大不仅会导致内需不足,阻碍经济结构优化,还会加剧社会矛盾,影响经济的良性发展和社会的和谐稳定。财政政策是国家进行宏观调控的重要工具,而对财政支出的控制是其进行调控的常用手段。不同的财政支出项目和支出力度构成了不同的财政支出结构,反映了不同的政府职能和公共政策的重点和方向。在当前形势下,要扭转收入差距日益扩大的趋势,需要财政政策以促进公平正义为目标,优化财政支出结构向民生领域倾斜。 本文在借鉴国内外研究的基础上,研究了我国财政支出结构对居民收入差距的影响作用。文章先介绍了财政支出影响收入公平的理论基础,并重点分析了包括一般公共服务、教科文卫事业...Science the reform and opening up, with the rapid growth of China’s total economic output, the residents’ income gap is widening. If the income gap is ignored by the government, it will not only impede the economic development, but also lead to insufficient consumption. The harmonious development of the society and Economic relations will become empty words if the social stratification can’t be c...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552010115178

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