
A Comparative Study of Modifier between Chinese and Thai


汉语和泰语两种语言都属于汉藏语系的,没有严格意义上的形态变化的语言,这也是两种语言的共同特征。汉语和泰语的主要句法成分是一样的,都是S+V+O(主+谓+宾)的语序。这两者都依靠语序的变化来表达不同的语义。但是泰语又分属于侗傣语族,所以有些地方和汉语也存在着一定的差异。 本文以汉语和泰语的修饰语为研究对象,从参考有关的语料和已有的相关研究成果的基础上,运用语言对比、中介语、偏误分析理论,通过对汉泰名词修饰语和动词修饰语的构成、名词修饰语标记词,动词修饰语标记词、多项修饰语的语序进行对比,找出汉语和泰语修饰语之间的共同之处和不同之处。另外,我们发现最明显的不同之处就是汉语和泰语在修饰语和中心词位...Chinese and Thai are classified as Sino-Tibetan Language Family, these two languages almost didn’t have to change to other forms and this is their similarity. Sentence structure of Chinese and Thai are the same, that is S+V+O. Word order and function word are the main link between grammar and semantics. But Thai also classified as Kam Dai languages, so there are some differences compared with Chin...学位:文学硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_语言学及应用语言学学号:2642011115429

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