
Typical Chlorination and Oxidation Studies of non-IPR Fullerenes Containing Fused Pentagons (C64、C56)


富勒烯家族有着数量庞大的碳笼异构体,其中最常见的是符合独立五元环 (IPR)规则的Ih-#1,812C60和D5h-#8,149C70。根据IPR规则,富勒烯碳笼上的所有五 元环均被六元环分隔开的结构(IPR富勒烯)才是稳定的,而那些含有相邻五元 环的碳笼(非IPR富勒烯)则是活泼的、不稳定的。实际上,对于碳数小于70的 碳笼,除了Ih-C60,其他的碳笼均不可避免的含有相邻五元环。对某一碳数的富 勒烯,非IPR富勒烯异构体的数量远远大于IPR富勒烯。目前,得到表征的非IPR富 勒烯已有数十种,然而关于非IPR富勒烯的稳定性和反应性的理论研究,还需要 更多的实验结果来佐证和补充。...There are a huge number of isomers in fullerene family. The most common fullerenes are Ih-#1,812C60 and D5h-#8,149C70 which obey the isolated pentagon rule (IPR).According to the isolated pentagon rule, which states that the fullerenes with isolated pentagon rings separated by hexagon rings are stable. These kind of stable fullerenes with isolated pentagon rings are called IPR fullerenes. Otherwi...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_无机化学学号:2052010015365

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