
A Study on the Conflicts and Harmony between Public Opinion and Criminal Trial


民意与刑事审判的关系,实质上是社会的自发性评价与制度性评价两种评价体系之间的关系。作者从刑事审判人员的角度出发,分析了民意影响刑事审判的现实状况和原因,在阐述两种评价体系的冲突与契合基础上,提出了在两者之间构建良性互动关系的构想。本文正文共分四章:第一章阐述民意的含义、特征、分类及产生原因和条件;第二章分析了民意影响刑事审判的现实状况及原因,强调了民意影响刑事司法的政治因素和权力因素;第三章阐述民意与刑事审判的冲突和契合因素。作者以自发性评价和制度性评价各自特性为出发点,分析了两种评价体系在评价主体、评价标准和基础、评价的后果等方面存在的冲突因素,并进一步指出民意影响刑事审判的状况会产生破坏司...The relation between public opinion and criminal trial is virtually that of social spontaneous assessment and institutional assessment system. As a criminal judge, the writer will discuss the present situation of influences of the public opinion to criminal trial, and explain how the public opinion affects criminal trial. And then, the conflicts and harmony between the public opinion and criminal ...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_刑法学学号:X20020801

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