
Faith, Free Will and Narration in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie


当代小说家缪里尔•斯帕克不仅注重作品的风格,同时也看重作品传递的意义。她在小说中经常使用独特的叙述技巧,把叙述者,人物和读者卷进情节的安排中,从而向读者传递一定的伦理意义。 在《吉恩•布罗迪小姐的青春》这部小说中,斯帕克一方面采用全知全能的叙述者对作品的叙述和人物作出介入性的评价,并且使用预叙和倒叙的手法来建立叙述者全知的权威。在这样一个具有掌控性的叙述者面前,人物的命运被预先确定,人物的自我意志也被剥夺了;而从读者方面来看,读者在阅读和阐释的自主性也被降低了。另一方面,斯帕克将人物桑迪•斯特兰格设定为上帝般叙述者的反抗者。小说大部分故事是通过桑迪的认知角...Muriel Spark is a contemporary novelist who concerns both style and meanings. In her novels she usually uses distinctive narrative skills to involve narrators, characters and readers in the plot arrangement in an attempt to convey certain ethical meanings to the readers. In The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Spark, on the one hand employs an omniscient narrator who gives out intrusive comments on th...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院_外国语言学及应用语言学学号:1232010115258

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