
On the Limitation and Route of Public Opinion Invocation of Judicial Adjudication


在推进法治进程的历史拐点上,民意的强势来袭、法律的不完美、司法公信力的下降共同造成了法官司法的困惑。如何理性看待目前司法与民意相处的不安现状,采取有效措施捋顺两者关系,重塑司法公信力,值得每一个胸怀使命的法律人深刻思考。本文立足于我国司法现状,在论证司法吸纳民意具有必要性、正当性的基础上,探究吸纳民意的风险性。并围绕由此提出的四个限度原则,设计出并行的两条司法吸纳民意的具体路径——组织路径和技术路径,以期解决法官的司法困惑。 本文的创新之处在于:在社会学、心理学、传播学的基础上探究司法吸纳民意的风险所在,并结合法理学、诉讼法学以及司法实践工作,用多样化的视角深入司法吸纳民意的路径构想。 引...At the historical turning point of promoting the process of the rule of law, the strong public opinion struck, the unperfect law, and the decline in the credibility of the justice caused the judge’s confusion. How to look on the uneasiness between justice and public opinion, and how to take effective measures to straighten their relationship, remodel judicial credibility, worth thinking deeply by ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302010115029

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