
Thoughts on the Perfection the System of Contracts for Work——From the Perspective of Labor Disputes Practice


承揽合同可以说是最古老的合同形式之一,承揽合同纠纷是常见的民事纠纷种类。现实生活中,承揽合同关系的表现形式十分多样,有些形式的承揽合同关系跟其他以提供劳务为内容的法律关系形式非常相似,审判实践中经常在判断承揽合同关系的时候出现困难。困难的出现,既有现行承揽合同制度规范粗略及模糊的原因,也有审判实践中判断理念偏离传统理论的原因。本文从具体案件审理中出现的分歧引出问题所在,通过对承揽合同制度探源,以及与相类似合同关系的比较,对我国承揽合同制度提出完善建议。本文共分四个部分: 第一部分是实践中存在的问题及原因分析。通过介绍具体承揽合同纠纷案审理过程中存在的分歧意见,说明当前实践中常见的判断合同属性...Contracts for work can be said to be one of the oldest form of contract and disputes in contract for work are of common types of civil disputes. In real life, the manifestation of the contractual relationship is very diverse and some forms of contractual relationships of other contracts to provide services is very similar to the trial practice of the contract for work. Difficulties often occur in...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:X201012005

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