
A Study on The Financial Analysis and Strategy Comparison of COSCO and Maersk


中国远洋是我国航运企业的龙头,于2007年在A股上市,当时号称A股“盈利王”,谁也不曾想到如今其已三度沦为“亏损王”。今天航运业正进入一轮新的发展周期,在新的竞争环境下,中国远洋应如何审时度势地调整自己的战略,在危机中看准机遇,求得生存,继而发展甚至扩张,是一个非常值得思考的问题。世界航运巨头—马士基,既是中国远洋最大的竞争者,又是中国远洋的学习楷模。基于此本文对比中国远洋与马士基的财务数据和发展战略,以寻找中国远洋与行业标杆企业的差距,并分析中国远洋所面临的问题。期望马士基成功的经验能为中国远洋未来的发展战略制定提供借鉴。 本文共分七章:第一章为研究概述,介绍本文的选题背景、研究的主要问题...COSCO, the leading enterprises in Chinese shipping industry, was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2007. At present, the most difficult time has passed, the shipping industry is entering a new development period. In the new competitive environment, COSCO should size up the situation and think about how to adjust it strategy. Maersk is the world’s shipping giant. As COSCO’s biggest rival, it...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792011115071

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