
The application of Mezzanine Financing in China’s Commercial Real Estate


目前我国商业地产融资现状并不尽如人意。作为资金密集型行业,商业地产的投资期较长,且风险较大,资金链的流畅是其健康、有效发展的基本条件,但从我国商业地产现状来看,其资金循环模式简单,融资能力不足,导致我国商业地产市场发展缓慢。 夹层融资的出现,为处于新一轮宏观调控政策下的商业地产融资提供了一条新的途径。夹层融资产生和发展于20世纪80年代,是金融创新的产物。近年来,夹层融资在西方发达国家迅速发展起来,作为一种灵活的融资方式,弥补了优先债务融资和股权融资之间的空缺,从而提高了资金使用效率。 但在我国,商业地产夹层融资目前尚处于应用的初级阶段,相关的政策法规还不完善,商业模式尚未成熟。国内专门针...The present situation of commercial real estate financing in China is not just as one wishes. As a capital-intensive industry, commercial real estate investment period is longer, and has a large risk, capital chain smooth is the basic condition for its health, effective development of commercial real estate, but from the current situation of our country, the capital circulation mode is simple, lac...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792006115151

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