
A Study on Agglomeration Efficiency and Rationality for Manufacturing Industry of the Pan-PRD


产业集聚是指某一产业在某个地理区域集中,同时伴随生产要素在空间上不断集中的过程。改革开放以来,珠三角地区经济发展迅速,成为我国最具战略意义的区域经济之一,制造业部门也不断在广东等地区集聚,促进了珠三角经济增长。随着经济活动集聚程度的加强和区域间交流层次的加深,珠三角地区扩展为今日的泛珠三角地区。但是,制造业集聚也伴随着要素集中和成本上升,可能会削弱由集聚带来的利润增长,因此研究集聚效率及其合理性具有重要的意义。 本文在对产业集聚、规模经济、生产要素拥挤等相关理论研究回顾的基础上,总结了集聚适度和过度的内涵。然后利用各类集聚指标阐述泛珠三角区20个制造业部门的集聚现状和集聚态势。接着利用一系列...Industrial agglomeration refers to a particular industry focusing to a geographical region, along with the factors of production continue to focus on the process. Since the Reform and Opening up, the Pearl River Delta is becoming one of the most important economic regions of China, seeing the rapid development of economics. Manufacturing also continue to gather in Guangdong to promote economic gro...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_政治经济学学号:1532011115205

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