Research on Visual Tracking and Action Recognition Based on Bag-of-Words Model


运动目标跟踪和动作识别是计算机视觉和模式识别领域的热点问题。目标跟踪过程中,由于存在视角变化、姿态变化、尺度变化、光照变化以及遮挡问题等,使得长时间鲁棒跟踪目标变得困难;而动作识别过程中,不仅存在外界环境变化的因素,还有同类动作不存在统一格式、动作在时间维度上难以分割等困难,使得动作识别同样成为一个具有挑战性的课题。本文在国内外当前研究的基础上,利用“词袋”模型等相关理论来解决目标跟踪和动作识别两类问题,分别提出在线特征稠密采样的目标跟踪算法和基于时空特征的动作识别算法。 第一,本文提出了基于在线特征稠密特征采样并结合BOW模型与粒子滤波的算法来处理目标跟踪问题,首先对目标区域及其领域进行稠...Visual target tracking and action recognition are hot research problems in computer vision and pattern recognition. Due to the variations of visual angle, posture, size, light and occlusion problem, it is still difficult to track target with robustness in long time. Besides the variation of external environment, there are still some other issues, such as no unified form with same action and diffic...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机应用技术学号:2302011115307

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