
Order Submission Behavior of Investors in Option Markets: Features, Information Content and Affecting Factors


投资者的下单选择是委托单驱动市场交易运行的基础,也是投资者交易策略的核心。目前,关于投资者下单行为的研究主要有两点局限性。一是研究集中于国外股票市场,尚未涉及衍生品市场。二是从全市场的角度研究投资者下单行为,而未区分投资者。本文运用台湾股指期权市场详细的委托单数据,围绕台湾股指期权市场境内机构投资者、境外机构投资者、个人投资者以及做市商的下单行为特征、信息含量以及影响因素展开深入研究,得到本文的主要结论如下: (1)本文实证分析四类投资者下单行为的特征,发现台湾股指期权市场中的所有投资者虽然偏好采用短期的平价期权和浅价外期权,以追求高流动性、高杠杆率以及高波动率敏感性,但他们仍是相对理性且有...Order submission by investors is the foundation of the order-driven market, and the heart of investors' trading strategies. So far, there are two main limitations of the research on order submission behavior of investors. One is that the research has focused on overseas stock markets, not on derivatives markets. The other one is that all studies are based on the whole market, not on the difference...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_金融工程学号:1562011015381

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