"Joint Development": An Ad Hoc Solution to the South China Sea Dispute


吴世存博士,教授,南海研究院(海口)院长。【中文摘要】南海争端的新发展是目前全球范围内涉及诸多国家和地区的最为复杂的海洋争端。相关国家对资源的争夺使得这一局势更加严峻。他们罔顾其他国家的反对,开发南海资源,特别是石油和天然气的开采,而这也增加了南海争端 的复杂性和严峻性。为了和平、双赢地解决南海争端,中国政府早在上世纪90年 代就提出“搁置争议,共同开发”。2005年3月于马尼拉签署的共同勘探南海争 端海域石油和天然气资源的三方协议方使这一提议初见成效。即便如此,在推进 和实现“共同开发”的道路上依然面临着种种阻碍。故而,为和平解决南海争端, 还应在其他方面做出努力,包括在渔业开发和保护、海洋研究以及航运等领域加强合作。 【Abstract】The latest developments in the South China Sea (SCS) dispute has transformed it as the most intricate maritime dispute in the world presently, involving many States and regions. The situation becomes more severe due to the contention for resources among the involved countries. The resource development, especially oil and gas exploitation in the SCS area, is being carried out by the involved States unilaterally, ignoring protest from other countries, which could add to the complexity and severity of the SCS dispute. With an aim to resolve the SCS dispute in a peaceful and win-win way, the Chinese government has proposed to “shelve disputes and seek joint development” in early 1990s. This proposal has achieved initial achievement with the tripartite agreement signed in Manila in March 2005 to jointly explore oil and gas resource in the disputed SCS. Even though, some obstacles still exist in the promotion and process of joint development. Hence, other efforts should be made in order to help resolve the SCS dispute peacefully, including enhancing cooperation in such fields as fishery development and conservation, marine research and maritime transportation

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