Methodology for Regulating the Management of Sea Areas


罗曼丽,西南政法大学法律硕士,现任职于宁波市海洋与渔业局法规处【中文摘要】2002年1月1日生效的《中华人民共和国海域使用管理法》规定 了海域国家所有制度和不完整的海域使用权流转制度。但是,该法的规定比较原 则、可操作性差,如何真正实现该法的立法初衷是实践中急需研究解决的问题。本文通过对我国目前海域使用权一级市场确权发证、二级市场流转现状的介绍以及对两个层面上存在问题的分析,提出对海域进行规范管理的建设性意见,在此基础上概括了为实现上述目的当前必须做的配套工作,力图建构我国科学、合理 的海域权属管理制度,从而为发展我国海洋经济提供制度支持。 【Abstract】The Law on the Management of Sea Area Use of the People's Republic of China, effective on 1 January 2002, provides a regime for the State ownership of sea areas and a system, though incomplete, for the circulation of the sea use right. The Law, more of principles, is difficult to implement. The question on how to achieve the purpose of the legislators should be resolved as soon as possible in practice. The paper presents the status quo of ascertainment of the sea use right in the primary market arid the circulation of the sea use right in the secondary market. It goes on to analyze the problems existing in these markets and provide constructive opinions with respect to the regulation of the management of sea areas. Based on it, it sums up the supporting work that needs to be done in order to help achieve the target, to build up a scientific and reasonable title management system for sea areas and to provide systemic support to the marine economy of China

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