Using positive-ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and H/D exchange study phosphoryl group transfer reactions involved in amino acid ester isopropyl phosphoramidates of Brefeldin A


As mini-chemical models, amino acid ester isopropyl phosphoramidates of Brefeldin A (compounds 2a-2d) were synthesized and investigated by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry in combination with H/D exchange. To further confirm the fragments's structures, off-line Fourier transform resonance tandem mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS/MS) was also performed. The fragmentation rules of compounds 2a-2d have been summarized and the plausible schemes for the fragmentation pathways were proposed. In this study, one dephosphorylated ion and two phosphorylated ions were observed in ESI-MS2 spectra of [M+Na]+ ions for compounds 2a-2d. The possible mechanisms about phosphorylation and dephosphorylation were proposed and confirmed by H/D exchange. For the "dephosphorylation" rearrangement, a nitrogen atom was migrated from the phosphoryl group to the carbon atom of Brefeldin A's backbone with losing a molecule of C3H7PO3 (122Da). For the "phosphorylation" rearrangement, an oxygen atom of one phosphoryl group attacked the sideward phosphorus atom to form a nine-member ring intermediate, then two steps of CH covalent bond cleavage with consecutive migration of hydrogen atom to lose a molecule of C16H20O2 (244Da). The two proposed rearrangement mechanisms about phosphoryl group transfer might be valuable for the structure analysis of other analogs and provide insights into elucidating the dynamic process of the phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of proteins. ? 2014 Elsevier B.V

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