
Hydrocarbon Resources within the U-shaped Line in the Southern South China Sea:Distribution Characteristics and Development Status


*李金蓉,国家海洋信息中心助理研究员。电子邮箱:[email protected]。 **方银霞,国家海洋局第二海洋研究所专属经济区与大陆架研究中心研究员。 ***朱瑛,中国海洋大学。[文摘]南海南部油气资源丰富,多年来越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱无视我国海洋主权和权益,在我国U形线附近和U形线内大肆开展油气资源勘探开发活动,使得南海南部成为全球关注的焦点和热点。本文在分析研究南海中、南部主要沉积盆地构造特征的基础上,讨论了南海南部油气资源分布和开发现状,以及我国在复杂政治地理环境下的应对策略。[Abstract]The southern South China Sea contains rich hydrocarbon resources.Over many years,Vietnam,the Philippines,Malaysia and Brunei have wantonly carried out exploration and development activities of oil and gas resources near and even within China’s U-shaped boundary line,defying the maritime sovereign rights and interests of China.Consequently,the southern South China Sea has become a focus of global attention.In this article,by analyzing and studying the tectonic features of the major basins in the central and southern South China Sea,the authors discuss the distribution characteristics and development status of the oil and gas resources in the southern South China Sea,as well as China’s strategies to cope against the complex geopolitical backdrops.本文为2010年国家社科基金重大课题《南海地区国家核心利益的维护策略研究》(项目编号: 10zd&013)之子课题二《南海非生物资源权益维护》的阶段性成果

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