From Nostalgia to Network Social Circle——The marketing revelation of the post-80s’nostalgia communication on internet


80后群体的网络怀旧传播具有广泛性和特殊性,并刺激了怀旧消费。文章通过实证研究得出以下结论:80后群体普遍具有怀旧情结;对怀旧现象有着较为统一的认识;网络怀旧行为越强,越容易购买怀旧类产品,加入圈子的80后群体更容易购买怀旧类产品。同时推断80后群体的网络怀旧带动其加入同城圈子的行为激发了他们以归属为目的的网络社会交往。对于营销者来说,全面了解80后群体的网络怀旧行为能够更好地进行营销和广告活动。 The post-80s’ nostalgia communication on internet has a deep impact on the nostalgia consumption. This paper based on the empirical study to provide these conclusions: the post-80s’has a widespread nostalgia emotion and has a same opinion about it. The more their nostalgia communications behaviors on internet, the more nostalgia goods they will buy. This paper also concludes that The post-80s’ nostalgia communication lead the post-80s to join in the network social circle and stimulate the networking between the post-80s. To the marketing manager, it is better to benefit from marketing practice if they know better about the post-80s’ nostalgia

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