800mW/1484nm highly efficient two-cascaded phosphosilicate Raman fiber laser pumped by Nd:YVO/sub 4/ solid-state laser


Using 1064 nm CW Nd:YVO4 solid-state laser as a pump, 1-km phosphosilicate fiber and cascaded cavities with two pairs of fiber Bragg grating mirrors for 1239 and 1484 nm, we obtained a CW 800 mW/1484 nm Raman fiber laser (RFL) for an actual incident pump power of about 2 W (Nd:YVO4 power of 6.90 W). The conversion efficiency is as high as 40%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest conversion efficiency of RFL pumped by solid-state laser. The output power instability at 1484 nm in half an hour is less than 3%. In addition, the numerical simulations are also performed. Good agreement between the results of numerical simulation and the results of the experiment has been demonstrated

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