A Photoelectrochemical Investigation of A.C.Modulated Passive Films on 304 Stainless Steel in Weak-alkaline and Neutral Solution


采用光电化学方法—恒电位光电流测量技术研究了AISI304不锈钢在0.lmol/LNa_2B_4O_7及0.5mol/LNa_2SO_4介质中载波钝化膜,光电流测量结果表明:光电流大小与电极电势、成膜条件及测量介质有关.载波钝化膜基本上是高度无序的非晶态膜.A photoelectrochemical investigation has been carried out on AISI 304 stainlesssteeI AV modulated passive film in 0.1mol/L Na_2B_4O_7 and 0.5 mol/L Na_2SO_4 solution.Photocurrentcurve depends on the potential、passive condition and testing solutions. The results of the measurementsindicate that the photoresponse is determined by the defects in the electronic structure of the films whenthe defects lead to localized states in the bandgap region. It is concluded that the passive film on AISI304 stainless steel is in a highly disordered amorphous state.作者联系地址:中国科学院金属腐蚀与防护研究所,金属腐蚀与防护国家重点实验室Author's Address: State Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection,Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 11001

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