Photoelectric Property for Zinc Phthalocyanine of Doping C_(60) on InP Electrode


C_(60)球烯是具有高度对称性的全碳原子簇,它既是电子受体,又是电子给体,表现出特有的光物理与光化学性能 ̄[1,2].近十多年来众多的研究者对具有电子给体和电子受体的共轭π电子体系化合物在光照下的行为进行了深入研究 ̄[3],认为用它作为有机光电子功能材料具有十分广阔的前景。随着人们对球烯研究的不断深入,尤其是宏观量球烯的合成与分离已日趋完善,以球烯为基础的有机光电材料必将越来越受到重视.金属酞青化合物由于拥有众多π电子的共轭体系,具有良好的光敏、半导体等性能,是较好的有机光电材料 ̄[4.5].但在可见光区,其光敏性仍不够强,本文以ZnPc掺杂C_(60)探索其光电性能,以期提高其光敏性.同类研究尚未见文献报道.The curves of spectral and photovoltaic responses to zinc phthalocyanine of dopingC_(60) were determinted.The photovoltaic property for zinc phthalocyanine of doping C_(60) wereinvestigated on the InP single crystal in the photoelectrochemical cell.The results have shown that:1)The photovoltaic effect and the in tensit ies of the spectral response and of the photovoltaic responsefor ZnPc of doping C_(60) were greater than those of ZnPc;2)had better redox couple in the cells.作者联系地址:厦门大学化学系Author's Address: Dept.of Chem.,Xiamen University,Xiamen 36100

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