
Polyphenol Contents in Eight Fruits and Their Antioxidant Activities


[中文摘要]测定了苹果、石榴、橄榄、芒果、香蕉、菠萝、葡萄和龙眼的壳、肉及核中的多酚含量及其抗氧化性。以70%丙酮(v/v)为提取溶剂,室温下超声波辅助浸提样品后得到提取液。采用普鲁士兰(Prussian blue)法测定了提取液中多酚和单宁的含量,利用FRAP法测定其抗氧化性。结果表明:提取液中多酚和单宁的含量均与其抗氧化性成正相关关系;石榴、橄榄、芒果、葡萄和龙眼等水果的壳与核有望成为天然抗氧化剂的新来源。[英文摘要]The contents o f polyphenols of peel pulp and seed fractions of apple, pome granate, olive, mango, banana, pineapple, grape and long an and their to talantioxidant ac tiv ities were studied. A fter ultrasound-assisted extraction w ith 70% aqueous acetone at room temperature, polypheno ls and tann ins in the p lant ce lls w ere separated and their contents were determ ined by Prussian blue assay. Antioxidant activities of the aqueous acetone extracts were evaluated by Ferric Reducing /Antioxidant Power (FRAP) assay. A positive linear correlation between antioxidant activities and phenolic contents was observed. The resu lts show ed that the fru it pee l and seeds o f pom egranate, olive, mango, grape and longan could be conside red as potentia l sources o f antioxidants rather than just discarded as waste

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