Survey on Coccdia of Domestic Geese and Their Experimental Infections


作者简介: 戴亚斌( 1964- ) , 博士后, 研究员. 现在中国 农业科学院家禽研究所工作.[中文文摘]对江苏省扬州、盐城地区的鹅球虫种类进行了调查和人工感染试验.结果表明,鹅球虫感染率为74.4%.共鉴定出6种球虫,即:Eimeriaanseris、E.fulva、E.hermani、E.nocens、E.stigmosa、Tyzzeriaparvula.12日龄无球虫感染仔鹅感染5×104个混合卵囊即发生死亡.通过单种卵囊接种试验获得了5种球虫的纯种卵囊并对它们的一些生物学特征进行了观察,为这些球虫的生活史和致病性研究奠定了基础.[英文文摘]A survey of goose coccidia in the areas of Yangzhou and Yancheng, Jiangsu and their experimental infections were carried out. The results showed that coccidian oocysts were found in 74.4% of 86 faeces samples from 16 goose flocks. Six species of coccidia, Eimeria anseris, E. fulva, E. hermani, E. nocens,E. stigmosa and Tyzzeria parvula were identified. In the experiments of artificial infection three of four 12-day-old coccidia-free goslings were died after inoculated with mix oocysts of 5×10~4. Pure oocysts of 5 Eimeria species were obtained then, respectively, laying the basis for studies of their life cycles and pathog enicity

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