
通讯作者E-mail: [email protected][中文文摘]选择10种耐低温的水生植物构建4种植物组合,研究了冬季低温环境下不同水生植物组合对富营养化水体的净化效果。结果表明:组合1〔常绿水生鸢尾(Iris hexagonus Hybrid)+羊蹄(Rumex japonicus)+金叶"金钱蒲"(Acorus gramineus"Ogan")+反曲灯心草"蓝箭"(Juncus inflexus"BlueArrows")〕4种植物均能在试验富营养化水体中茂盛生长,且对TN、NOx-N、NH4-N和TP的去除率分别为47.8%、52.2%、32.4%和70.1%;组合2〔常绿水生鸢尾+羊蹄+金叶"金钱蒲"+大苞萱草(Hemerocallis middendorfii)〕4种植物也都能在试验富营养化水体中存活,并且有一定量的生长,对TN、NOx-N、NH4-N和TP的去除率分别为44.2%、58.5%、34.6%和67.8%;而未种植物的对照对TN、NOx-N、NH4-N和TP的去除率分别为40.0%、25.9%、27.3%和64.5%;组合1和2对富营养化水体有较好的净化效果。组合3和组合4中由于吊兰(Chlorophytum comosum)和三穗薹草(Carex tristachya)等植物长势较差,仅对NOx-N具有较明显去除能力,对其他指标去除效果不明显。通过这些水生植物在富营养化水体中生长特性和对营养元素的去除能力,发现冬季组合1和2的净化效果较好,是低温条件下适宜的浮床植物组合形式。[英文文摘]Ten species of low temperature-tolerant aquatic macrophytes were chosen to construct four combinations of aquatic macrophytes to study their purification efficiency on eutrophic water body in winter.In non-macrophyte treatment (CK),the removal efficiency of water total nitrogen (TN) ,nitrite nitrogen ( NOx-N) ,ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N),and total phosphorus (TP) was 40.0%,25.9%,27.3%, and 64.5%,respectively.Combination 1 (Iris hexagonus Hybrid + Rumex japonicas + Acorus gramineus“Ogan”+ Juncus inflexus“Blue Arrows”) grew luxuriantly in the test eutrophic water body,and performed best in decreasing water TN,NOx-N,NH4-N,and TP,with the removal efficiency being 47.8%,52.2%,32.4%,and 70.1%,respectively. Combination 2 ( I. hexagonus Hybrid + R. japonicas + A. gramineus “Ogan”+ Hemerocallis middendorfii) could survive and had definite growth amount in the test eutrophic water,and the removal efficiency of water TN,NOx-N,NH4-N,and TP was 44.2%,58.5%,34. 6% and 67.8%,respectively.In contrast,both the combination 3 ( R.japonicas + Lolium perenne + Chlorophytum comosum + Juncus pallidus R.Br. “Javelin”) and the combination 4 (R.japonicas + L. perenne + C.comosum + Carex tristachya) only had an obvious efficiency in removing NOx-N but less efficiency in removing TN,NH4-N,and TP,due to the poor growth of C.comosum and C.tristachya.It was suggested that combinations 1 and 2 had better purification efficiency on eutrophic water body,being the suitable combination forms of aquatic macrophytes floating-bed under low temperature in winter.国家自然科学基金项目(50809063)资

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