


世界多元文化共存和互动的形势对外语教学中的文化教学提出了新的挑战和要求。培养学习者自觉的跨文化意识以及对不同文化的敏感性和洞察力,使学习者成为具有跨文化交际能力的高素质人才,已成为新世纪跨文化教学的主要目标。为此,我们应在跨文化教学过程中加大力度研究目的文化,研究跨文化教学策略。 【英文摘要】The coexistence and interaction of the world s various cultures have posed new challenges to and set higher demands on the teaching of culture in foreign language teaching.How to cultivate students intercultural awareness and sensitivity and improve their intercultural competence have become the urgent tasks to be fulfilled by teachers of intercultural learning.It is proposed that more research focus should be laid on the target culture and intercultural teaching strategy

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