
Autonomous Mobile Robotic Architecture and Development Research


【中文文摘】阐述了自主移动机器人体系结构的意义,并对分层式体系结构和包容式体系结构这两种典型体系结构详细比较分析后,在此基础上研究了基于两者优点的混合型体系结构。最后,对该领域的研究热点进行了阐述,并对未来的研究工作提出了建议。 【英文文摘】The signification of autonomous mobile robotic archi- tecture is studied in this paper. Hierarchical architecture and subsumption architecture are the two kinds of robotic architec- tures being compared in detail. Based on this analysis, the peper gets the results that the hybrid architecture has advantages of both two types of architectures. Finally, the paper puts forward the hot topics in this area and make some suggestions about the future research

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