Information Monitoring System Design in Official Business Network


摘要: 政府办公网络可以划分为两种类型:办公内网(涉密办公网) 和办公外网(非涉密办公网) . 前者与互联网物理 隔离,后者则采用逻辑隔离. 两者对信息安全都是高度敏感的,加强对办公网信息的监控显得尤为必要. 办公网存在 的某些安全问题是一般的网络安全系统无法解决的. 本文设计了政府办公业务网信息监控系统的基本框架,内容涉 及受控计算机标志信息的收集、涉密网中违规接入互联网的监测、办公外网中异常占用带宽的监控,并对其中的关 键技术问题提出解决方案. Abstract : There are two types of official business network :private official business network (confidential offi2 cial business network) and public official business network (non2confidential official business network) . The for2 mer must be isolated physically f rom Internet and the latter should be logically isolated. For both ,the information is sensitive. So it’s necessary to intensify monitoring the information of them. This paper discusses the basic de2 sign of the official business network information monitoring system ,covering the information collection of con2 t rolled computers and the monitoring of invalid access to Internet in confidential network and exceptional band2 width in public official business network. Solutions of the key problems are found

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