Artificially creating electrochemical sites by the induced copper dissolution with STM tips


[中文文摘]在电极电位稍负于其Nernst电位时 ,较正的探针电位可以诱导铜表面的局域刻蚀 ;同时 ,利用这一诱导刻蚀可以方便地人工构筑电极表面电化学活性位或特定的纳米结构 ,如现场构筑坑 (pit)、螺旋岛 (spiralisland)和岛 (island)等电化学活性位 ;并现场研究它们相关的 (电 )化学反应。[英文文摘]STM tip was found to be able to induce local dissolution of copper by applying a rather positive tip potential while the electrode is controlled at a cathodic potential of bulk copper deposition in dilute Cu 2+ solution. Furthermore, we present the possible artificially creating of electrochemical sites by using induced copper dissolution with STM tip. Spiral islands, normal islands and pits were easily created. The crystal growth on the artificial islands during the electrodeposition was followed.国家自然科学基金; 教育部高等学校博士点基金资助项目 (20173046)

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