The Automorphism Group of Skew Derivation Lie Algebra over Quantum Tori


摘要: Kirkman ,Procesi ,Small 等人计算了量子环面Cq [ X , Y , X - 1 , Y - 1 ]的导子和它的自同构群. 特别令人感兴趣的是姜 翠波和孟道冀所做的关于Cq [ X , Y , X - 1 , Y - 1 ]的导子李代数(即Virasoro2like 代数的q2类似) 以及Virasoro2like 代数的导 子李代数及其自同构群的相关结果. 他们清楚的刻画了自同构群的结构. 受前述工作的启发,我们研究了量子环面上斜导 子李代数上的自同构群的结构,并显式的给出了其自同构的具体表达式. 这样本文就推广了姜和孟的主要结果. Abstract : Kirkman E ,Procesi C and Small L A computed the derivations of Cq [ X , Y ] and the automorphism group of C1 [ X , Y , X - 1 , Y - 1 ]. What is the most interesting to us is the work of Jiang Cuibo and Meng Daoji ,they studied the Virasoro2like algebra and it s q2analog’s automorphism groups ,and found that they have the same st ructure. It’s known ,Viraso2like algebra and it s q2analog can be regarded as two special cases of skew derivation Lie algebra of quantum toridal. In this paper ,we will study the st ructure of this kind of Lie algebra ,and obtained the formula of the automorphism.国家自然科学基金(10371100) ,漳州师范学院科研基金 资

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