
GaN Polarity and Its Measurement and Application


【中文摘要】 GaN在 (0 0 0 1)方向是一种极性极强的半导体材料 ,它具有极强的表面特征 ,是目前发现的最好的压电材料 ,而GaN的极性呈现出体材料的特征 ,它的测量要用一些特殊的方法 ,它的不同特征也给我们提供了广泛的应用前景。总结了到目前为止国外这一方面的研究结果 【英文摘要】 GaN is a kind of material with very strong polarity. It offers different characteristics for different polarity GaN.For example, it is the best piezoelectric material ever discovered.The polarity of GaN exhibits the characteristic of bulk materials.Some special measuring methods are used to characterize the polarity.The polarity characteristics,and its measurement and application of GaN are reviewed in this paper

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